Date/Time Entry Form Copyright (C) 1995 by Kerry B. Rogers All Rights Reserved DTENTRY.EXE demonstrates how to allow complete date and time entry using only a mouse. It minimizes the clicks needed while shielding programmers from idiot checking user text input. No text box input is supported with this source code. Feel free to use this source code in any way you wish. If you alter the source code I ask that you acknowledge its creator with your software's documentation, readme or HELP|ABOUT menu selection. This software still remains copyrighted by its creator. Any altered versions, in any form, of this software require at least a "portions of this soft- ware are Copyright (C) 1995 by Kerry B. Rogers" or similar statement. If you wish to contact me via CompuServe, my ID is 71514,735. The source is completely uncommented (sorry). Enjoy it and if you get the chance, just drop me a comment on Compuserve. Thanks!